All First Story groups work collaboratively towards publication of a printed anthology. Empowered with agency throughout the process, participants choose which pieces to include — learning how to edit, revise and improve their own writing — and together decide their anthology’s title and cover art. Copies are gifted to participants and the school’s library, with a copy sent to the British Library. Their achievement as published authors is typically celebrated at a launch event attended by families and communities.
We have published 49 anthologies this year and almost all have had their very own launch celebration in which students read their work to gathered audiences of teachers, family, friends.
Recent anthology celebrations
There has been a bumper crop of First Story Anthology Launches during June and July with some novel celebrations: Paul Lyalls and his Year 7 group at Chelsea Academy invited First Story CEO Antonia Byatt to slide their anthology down a ramp into water – rather like launching a ship, participants at John Spendluffe Technology College, Lincolnshire, formed an professional signing table, and Hatch End High School, London, had a celebratory cake. Graham School, Scarborough, was featured in Scarborough News and Eden Park High School, London, included their launch on the school blog.
Anthologies are just one of the many benefits of being a First Story school. Read more here.