The Fair Education Alliance is a progressive coalition of organisations from across charities, businesses and education, all working together to fight educational inequality. The FEA is committed to narrowing the attainment gap between disadvantaged young people and their wealthier peers by 90% by 2022, using its collective voice and influence to bring about change.
In order to create a fairer education system, the FEA has established 5 Impact Goals:
- Primary school attainment: Narrow the gap in literacy and numeracy at primary school.
- Secondary school attainment: Narrow the gap in GCSE attainment at secondary school.
- Wellbeing and resilience: Ensure young people develop key strengths, including character, wellbeing and mental health, to support high aspirations.
- Further Education: Narrow the gap in the proportion of young people taking part in further education or employment-based training after finishing their GCSEs.
- Higher Education: Narrow the gap in university graduation, including from the 25% most selective universities.
According to the FEA’s 2015 Report Card, there is a growing consensus that young people can be taught character, social and emotional skills, and it is young people from disadvantaged backgrounds that stand to benefit from such teaching the most. First Story knows that building the resilience, confidence and self-esteem of students from low-income backgrounds is fundamental to their future sucess; we are committed to doing so by using the power of writing.