Whilst taking part in the Young Writers Programme at Hull College, Cheyenne entered First Story’s 100 Word Story competition, placing third nationally. After the programme, Cheyenne applied for and won a coveted place on the Rathbones Folio Mentorships scheme in the 2021/22 cohort.
Before the First Story programme I was really closed off on the idea of sharing my work with others. I loved to write poetry and short stories based on songs I loved and mythology gods/goddesses.
I found out about First Story through my English teacher. I decided to apply because it sounded like an amazing learning opportunity and a way to connect with others who also love to write.
Christina Lewis was our Writer-in-Residence. She really helped me with building confidence in what I’m writing, as well as giving me opportunities to get some of my writing out there, like with First Story’s 100 Word Story Competition. She really helped me find a writing style that I’m comfortable with.
For a while during the pandemic I did stop writing and struggled to find inspiration to start again. So instead I started to read more than I did, books such as ‘Six of Crows’, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Once and Future King’.
After the Young Writers Programme ended, I applied for a place on the Folio Mentorships scheme. I was paired with Chloe Aridjis.
I loved when I got to meet all the other mentors and mentees and got to talk to them all and exchange contacts with the other mentees to talk more. I also loved the first time me and Chloe called and began to talk and get to know each other a bit more while she helped me with starting my book.
Chloe has helped me understand when to write quotes and the best way to make the quotes sound natural between the characters. Chloe also helped me understand the attention to detail that I display in some of my writing and how to connect it to the writing further along.
Now the mentorships scheme has ended, I’m going to continue writing the novel that I started ‘The Fool: a Tale of The Skinshifter and His Prince’ and hopefully get published.